The first drawing of visual education is an HYBRID OBJECT. 

September 19th. Once we understood the idea of what an hybrid object is, I started wrting a mindlist with 5 pair of very different objects. The result is:

- camera-pig

- sofa-rose

- violin-pineapple

- ear-mushroom

- excavator-octopus

Assisted by the teacher I finally decided that my drawing would be an excavator-octopus. At first I wasn't very comfortable since I wasn't sure enough about how to turn into a drawing all those things that were on my mind. I started to sketch my first ideas and the fist result was:

October 3rd. Once I had my hybrid object drawn I started painting. I chose pencil colors to do so. This is my final result: The "EXCAVATOPUS"

I mixed the colors of both things and mostly used the main colors of each one on the parts of the contrary.
