Commentary about: "Entrevista d'Antoni Bassas a Samuel Aranda"
In this interview, Samuel Aranda, an international photographer, describes some of his experiences.
For me, this is the most interesting material seen on the subject, I think it is very interesting, sometimes it is hard and sometimes it makes you reflect about the reality. I have seen it at the beginning of the subject and to make this comment, I recover it.
The picture that has had a bigger impact on me was the one in a hospital when the Ebola crisis. It shows two girls in a room, on the floor. One of the girls was very sick and the other one, dead. It is very hard to see these pictures and to know the history behind. Of course, there must be pictures of beautiful places and moments, but I think it is also important to capture the worst moments. I think they are a very useful tool to raise awareness and to show the reality (if they show the reality and it is not manipulated by interests).
He talks about the absurdity of the things that occur, for example, a group of immigrants after crossing the sea in the street where people don't show any concern.
The critic that I would like to highlight is the one talking about United Nations when treating Ebola. He explains that they didn't do anything, they spent the day in the hotel, with under-aged girls and parties. It shows how the world works: some people have the power and the ones that are supposed to help just take advantage and profit from us.
It goes from explaining catastrophes of countries which are far away,
to show the ones that we have more close to us and we don't realise that they are here.
Also, it is important to understand that what countries want is to have a good reputation, so they will do anything to cover the bad things happening and done.
For him, the most important thing of a photography or any kind of art is that it transmits something, without any more information, just by looking at it.
I think that being that kind of photographer is hard, but at the same time it can bring you lots of knowledge, experiences and cultural understanding. You can observe how people live in each society, how different classes are in different places...
I definitely say that this link is the one that has helped me the most and the one that has made me think and reflect more. I think it is good to criticise the system and how it works from the point of view of having seen lots of situations and realities.
Bucarest, Romania.
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