Commentary about "Fons #04: Àngels Ribé | Interseccions | MACBA"
Àngels Ribé is a Catalan artist who works with nature, in the video she explains some pictures of her art and explains that they are somehow related to her experiences in childhood. For example "Intersecció d'onada" (1969) that emerge from the childish question: How can a wave be cut?
An important thing for me about this interview is her explanation about the impulses. She states that an impulse cannot be created, instead, it emerges and you can manipulate it. It reinforces the connection we have with nature, its different shapes, spaces, etc.
This is a short interview but the way she explains she creates art with nature is interesting, it called my attention that for the picture of "Intersecció de llum" (1969) she used artificial materials.
Comment on the video "Fons 4: Àngels Ribé. Interseccions. MACBA"
"Catalan artists, related to Nature" group
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